Monday, August 16, 2010

Hunters and Collectors

We're here in Coral Bay soaking up the sun and the salty water.
We've been lazing on the beach making sand castles, drinking ice-cold beer in deck chairs, eating fresh food, enjoying sleeping in our new caravan.

My favourite thing has been fishing on a fishing charter, catching more fish than Brent and seeing humpback whales and a minke whale on the way back in. The beautiful whales came right up to the fishing charter boat, curiously, and the mama gave a splash of her tail. We also saw a couple of humpbacks breaching right out of the water, slapping the water with their fins and crashing back into the water.

I'm not ready to leave. I want more snorkeling time, more swimming time, more sunning myself time, more family time, more pool time......

I'm just not ready..... But all good things must come to an end. And this too shall pass.


  1. Enjoy every minute of each day youre there. You are all so lucky....but i cant wait to see you all :) k. xx
