Damn! I was thinking I was just a little under the weather, but today here I am with tissues stuffed up my nose, ugg-boots and my pyjama bottoms on at 4pm in the afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a cold....
But I'm ok. I', surprisingly chipper. I'm the person who stays in bed and sulks when I'm sick. But today I'm just riding it out. Not such a big deal. This too shall pass (Apply that to ANY situation and life will be a lot simpler I'd imagine....)
Anyway, whats on my mind at the moment is teaching Polly the names of her body parts. More specifically her vagina. What do you call it? I had a fantastic conversation a few days ago with a fellow lady about just this topic. I grew up calling it a front-bottom. Seriously, say that without laughing. Front bottom. I must remind my mum of that next time I speak to her. I never heard the word vagina as a kid. There's no way that was said in my house. It's a taboo word isn't it. Even now it's definitely not a word bantered about on the streets. Not that it needs to be. Sure you can say penis or dick and not flinch, but say the word vagina and your shoulders instinctively go up and you try to hide your head from shame. I understand it's not a body part that we need to be talking about all the time, but it's still a body part. And I don't want Polly growing up thinking the female body is something to be ashamed of. Something that we can't talk about.
This subject came up when Polly got some nappy rash and she said that it hurt and I asked what hurt and she looked at me, confused. She doesn't have a word for it.
Oh god. Straight away I was stuck. So I tried using the word Fanny. Urgh. As Jenea pointed out "What if she meets a friend called Fanny? How confusing will that be for her?". And right she is.
There's 100's of words for it. Though in my opinion, none of them sound right.
So, I guess the arm will be called the arm, the head will be called the head, and the vagina will be called the vagina.
BTW Even as I'm writing this I'm flinching.........
No reading or listening today
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