My two and a half year old dropped the 'F' bomb. I couldn't believe it. Where on earth had she heard such filthy language? Day Care? Television? Oh.....me.
I've got no one to blame for this one. I've heard myself say it on the rare occasion, so of course my "hang-on-to-ever-word" child would have heard me saying it. She dropped the dogs bowl full of biscuits and said "F**ck it". Mmmm....
I chose to ignore it. She didn't say it to get a reaction out of me. She doesn't know it's wrong.
Then yesterday she kicked something and said "Sh*t".
Seriously, someone get this family a swear jar! I explained to her that it was a naught word and we're not to use that word anymore. I walked into the kitchen to get my purse and when I walked back to her she had her head down on the couch quietly sobbing. When I asked her what was wrong she said "I want to say sh*t".
Out of the mouths of babes.
OOHH, hadnt realised I could comment! Love this one..... I like to say shit way too often to....