Today is a day for time out. The weather is wet and blustery.
Not just windy, blustery.
P and I rugged up in hooded jumpers and wellington boots to go to the shop to buy ground ginger to make gingerbread. Inspired by these!
I love this cookie cutter, she reminds me of those We Can Do It women from WWII. We also made some rabbits, but unfortunately by the time I got round to taking this photo, the bunnies had gone on to a better place.
Yesterday we had a great day of running with the dogs on the beach, trying to spot whales (though apparently I was just one hour too late) dance class, a 3km run and then dinner with some new and old friends.
Don't you love it when you make a new friend and get so excited about getting to know them even more? I know I'm going to love getting to know my new friend.
What I'm listening today: Jack Johnson and the wind
What I'm reading: Old Women's Weekly cookbooks.
What started as a photo-a-day project has quickly turned into a 'What got my attention today, this week or this month.' We all know how I am with making firm commitments!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Potty Mouth.......20/05

My two and a half year old dropped the 'F' bomb. I couldn't believe it. Where on earth had she heard such filthy language? Day Care? Television?
I've got no one to blame for this one. I've heard myself say it on the rare occasion, so of course my "hang-on-to-ever-word" child would have heard me saying it. She dropped the dogs bowl full of biscuits and said "F**ck it". Mmmm....
I chose to ignore it. She didn't say it to get a reaction out of me. She doesn't know it's wrong.
Then yesterday she kicked something and said "Sh*t".
Seriously, someone get this family a swear jar! I explained to her that it was a naught word and we're not to use that word anymore. I walked into the kitchen to get my purse and when I walked back to her she had her head down on the couch quietly sobbing. When I asked her what was wrong she said "I want to say sh*t".
Out of the mouths of babes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Google before you Tweet is the new Think before you Speak!-17/05
Oh wow, a week since my last post. I kept thinking it was only a couple of days ago. But I guess when you have that thought for a whole week it can't be true. The image is just a random photo of ours I'd long forgotten.
Still happily running. Though I have dropped down to just 2km because of a knee injury. But I'll get back to 4km, just have to take it easy.
I had my last counselling session last week. See, the government gives you 6 sessions at a discounted rate and if you want more you need to go back to your GP and plead your case that you are still insane. Though I'm sure my GP would be fine with it, I'm feeling pretty darn good at the moment. Just in my 5 sessions, (keeping 1 session in case I need it before I can see my GP) I have gained much clarity about so many things in my life. I've had loads of junk floating around in my head and taking up precious space and time for so long, that talking and finally being able to put lots of things to rest have put me in a better frame of mind. I know it sounds cheesy (quick, someone hand me some crackers) but it's like I'm becoming the person I've always wanted to be.
See? I knew turning 30 was a big deal for me!
What I'm reading today: The Grapes of Wrath-John Steinbeck
What I'm listening to: Kylie Minogue teaming up with The Wiggles
Funnily enough after my last post, when I went to pick Polly up from Day Care on Wednesday I walked into a conversation between a parent and a carer about the importance of a child knowing the correct names of all their body parts.
Still happily running. Though I have dropped down to just 2km because of a knee injury. But I'll get back to 4km, just have to take it easy.
I had my last counselling session last week. See, the government gives you 6 sessions at a discounted rate and if you want more you need to go back to your GP and plead your case that you are still insane. Though I'm sure my GP would be fine with it, I'm feeling pretty darn good at the moment. Just in my 5 sessions, (keeping 1 session in case I need it before I can see my GP) I have gained much clarity about so many things in my life. I've had loads of junk floating around in my head and taking up precious space and time for so long, that talking and finally being able to put lots of things to rest have put me in a better frame of mind. I know it sounds cheesy (quick, someone hand me some crackers) but it's like I'm becoming the person I've always wanted to be.
See? I knew turning 30 was a big deal for me!
What I'm reading today: The Grapes of Wrath-John Steinbeck
What I'm listening to: Kylie Minogue teaming up with The Wiggles
Funnily enough after my last post, when I went to pick Polly up from Day Care on Wednesday I walked into a conversation between a parent and a carer about the importance of a child knowing the correct names of all their body parts.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mama's Day! 09/05

Damn! I was thinking I was just a little under the weather, but today here I am with tissues stuffed up my nose, ugg-boots and my pyjama bottoms on at 4pm in the afternoon. Ladies and gentlemen, I have a cold....
But I'm ok. I', surprisingly chipper. I'm the person who stays in bed and sulks when I'm sick. But today I'm just riding it out. Not such a big deal. This too shall pass (Apply that to ANY situation and life will be a lot simpler I'd imagine....)
Anyway, whats on my mind at the moment is teaching Polly the names of her body parts. More specifically her vagina. What do you call it? I had a fantastic conversation a few days ago with a fellow lady about just this topic. I grew up calling it a front-bottom. Seriously, say that without laughing. Front bottom. I must remind my mum of that next time I speak to her. I never heard the word vagina as a kid. There's no way that was said in my house. It's a taboo word isn't it. Even now it's definitely not a word bantered about on the streets. Not that it needs to be. Sure you can say penis or dick and not flinch, but say the word vagina and your shoulders instinctively go up and you try to hide your head from shame. I understand it's not a body part that we need to be talking about all the time, but it's still a body part. And I don't want Polly growing up thinking the female body is something to be ashamed of. Something that we can't talk about.
This subject came up when Polly got some nappy rash and she said that it hurt and I asked what hurt and she looked at me, confused. She doesn't have a word for it.
Oh god. Straight away I was stuck. So I tried using the word Fanny. Urgh. As Jenea pointed out "What if she meets a friend called Fanny? How confusing will that be for her?". And right she is.
There's 100's of words for it. Though in my opinion, none of them sound right.
So, I guess the arm will be called the arm, the head will be called the head, and the vagina will be called the vagina.
BTW Even as I'm writing this I'm flinching.........
No reading or listening today
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Adho Mukha Svanasana - 06/05

Wow! Yoga was really relaxing. There's quite a few poses that stretched me to my limit but I couldn't help but feel stronger just by turning up to the class.
So yesterday arvo I ran my 4km then toddled of to yoga. Thought I would sleep like a baby last night, but I had a terrible night. It's like I was only light sleeping all night. I haven't woken up tired, but I just know it wasn't my best sleep.
Oh BTW I did my run in 27.35mins yesterday. My quickest time yet!
No reading or music list today as it's only 7:30am.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Oh Happy Day! 05/05

Today I chucked a sicky from TAFE, but still put Polly into Daycare and had a 'Mental Health Day'. It's been friggin' awesome!
I had breakfast at Bibs Cafe and read my book.
Hello a well deserved and long over due hour! I walked out of the cafe with a spring in my step and a bounce in my girly pony-tail.
For the rest of the day I've been doing odd-jobs around the house. you know, drinking cups of tea, reading my book in the sun, washing, mopping the floor..... All the important things.
I didn't run yesterday and as I was serving up dinner Brent said to me "you need to go for a run hon." My mood was foul! And thats what it was. I needed some steam to be released. polly and I went for a walk at 7am, but there's no running to be done with a 6kg pram and a 13kg baby in it. So this afternoon before I pick her up I'll do my 30mins and then I'm off to my first ever yoga class. I'm nervous. Not really sure if I want to go, but I'm becoming a fan of stepping out of my comfort zone.
What I'm listening to today: Jeff Martin Live in Brisbane ( oooh the memories come flooding back)
What I'm reading today: The Bibs Brekky Menu
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Eye of the Tiger - 01/05

Less than a week ago I was ecstatic that I was able to run for 4 minutes without stopping.
For the passed 2 days I've ran for 25 minutes without stopping. What an awesome feeling! I am proud of myself. For someone who struggles to find motivation, I'm so pleased that I've found something that is interesting me enough to leave the comfort of my plush couch. So now I can add running to my(very short)list of hobbies.
I read an article today about a runner who took his wife on her first 5km run and he said "I looked over at her a few times and thought she was about to slow to a walk but she kept going. You have to find that motivation when you run. It's all in your mind. If you heard a gun shot behind you I assure you that you could run another 5km!" I read that this morning and as I was running this afternoon, I was thinking to myself "Hell, I've been through a 28-hour labour, I can run for 30 mins"
What I'm listening to today: Cabron-RHCP
What I'm reading today: A whole stack of Runners World magazines -don't know how they can fill a magazine EVERY month just about running.....
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